The -am Family
ham tram ram slam dam Sam slam
slam jam swam scram Pam clam
The -en
The -ip Family
ship clip drip zip chip sip flip
trip rip tip dip snip hip strip
The -ake
The -et Family
pet jet met bet set net yet
fret wet let get vet clarinet sunset
The -qu Family
quiet quack quake quart quill quarter
queen quail question
The -at Family
cat chat splat bat fat hat
rat spat acrobat that sat mat flat pat vat
The -ig Family
pig dig rig wig twig fig
big jig guinea pig
The -ot
hot pot cot spot Scott lot dot not sling shot
shot rot robot slot blot clot got knot
The -ug Family
bug hug jug slug rug tug mug plug
dug plug
The -ing Family
sing ring ping ding sting fling king Bing thing
The -ay Family
play pay pray tray say lay relay ray bay day gay hay
jay may way okay stay
The -in Family
in grin pin shin bin kin thin tin cabin fin
The -it Family
sit kit wit lit fit bit hit knit split
The -ell Family
sell tell smell bell Isabelle shell fell swell well